Mr. President:
While we appreciate the efforts the current government is making towards establishing peace in Myanmar, it has now been one full year since the fighting in Kachin State began. With this letter we, the undersigned civil society and community-based organizations from Myanmar, urge you to immediately put an end to the humanitarian crisis that is now happening in our homeland […]
• •On 23 May 2012, Amnesty International concluded its first official visit to Myanmar since 2003. This report illustrates Amnesty’s general impressions of the current human rights situation, and looks at five specific topics: political imprisonment, rule of law, ethnic minorities, accountability, and economic, social and cultural rights.
• • •Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) is cautiously optimistic about the positive developments made by the Burmese government in the past year. While the political reforms and tentative ceasefire agreements bring a degree of hope, the chronic humanitarian crisis facing the ethnic displaced and rural populations has yet to be addressed. MTC urges that assistance to the border regions must continue until there are signs of real change […]
• • •The historic constraints on donor interventions in Burma—whether self-imposed sanctions or regime-imposed barriers—are increasingly giving way to a sense of heightened optimism about the possibilities of working on issues across the development spectrum. But while the terrain appears to be improving, there remain substantial barriers to effective programming beyond the overall pace and scope of political reform […]
• • •The Burmese government has committed serious abuses and blocked humanitarian aid to tens of thousands of displaced civilians since June 2011, in fighting in Burma’s northern Kachin State, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today […]
• • •As Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development, visits Burma this week, Burma Campaign UK called on him to do more to ensure British aid reaches internal refugees who have fled increased attacks by the Burmese Army in the past year […]
• • •Serious violations of human rights continue to be committed by the Burma Army in eastern Burma, while humanitarian conditions deteriorate due to a lack of international funding, according to a new report released today by Christian Solidarity Worldwide […]
• • •Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, has just completed a two-day humanitarian mission to Burma/Myanmar. In Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon the Commissioner discussed the challenges of managing disasters and humanitarian problems
• • •The refusal of Burma’s military regime to allow international aid to the growing numbers of war-affected Kachin is causing critical hardship for these displaced communities […]
• • •Numbers of villagers fleeing Burma Army atrocities have soared to over 30,000 during recent intensified attacks against the Shan State Army North (SSA-N), causing a dire humanitarian crisis in northern Shan State […]
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