On 24 March, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Loimwe, Shan State, causing many deaths and significant destruction to homes and buildings in the area. Affected communities are in great need of humanitarian assistance as they begin to address the damage and rebuild their lives. It is imperative that Burma’s regime and local authorities facilitate the delivery of timely and unimpeded relief in a transparent manner.
As of 27 March, state-run media was reporting the official death toll from the quake as 74. However, eyewitness reports suggested that more than 150 people were killed. Many of the casualties are from Tarlay, where almost every building was damaged and many collapsed. The quake destroyed at least 240 buildings, including houses and monasteries […]
• • •Burma Campaign UK today welcomed what will amount to a doubling of UK aid to Burma. News of the increase was reported by The Independent today. Burma Campaign UK has been lobbying the British government to continue increasing aid to Burma, which was a commitment of the previous Labour government, and which had been supported by the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats while in opposition […]
• • •Burma’s human rights situation remained dire in 2010, even after the country’s first multiparty elections in 20 years. The ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) continued to systematically deny all basic freedoms to citizens and sharply constrained political participation. The rights of freedom of expression, association, assembly, and media remained severely curtailed. The government took no significant steps during the year to release more than 2,100 political prisoners being held, except for the November 13 release of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi […]
• • •The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of International Cooperation, today announced Canada’s humanitarian support to help the Burmese people affected by Cyclone Giri.
“The Government of Canada is responding to humanitarian emergencies caused by Cyclone Giri in Burma. Many families are now vulnerable and without access to essential services,” said Minister Oda. “Canada’s assistance will provide emergency shelter and health services, as well as access to drinkable water” […]
• • •The Giri Relief Committee urges the international community to support its fund-raising drive for the survivors of cyclone Giri. Today the Committee launched its fund-raising website: www.girirelief.net.
On October 22 and 23 2010, Cyclone Giri hit Arakan State, Western Burma (Myanmar), affecting more than 260,000 people. Out of 17 townships in Arakan State, the most severely affected are Kyaukphru, Mraybon, Pauktaw, Marmbra and Manaung […]
• • •On October 22nd and 23rd 2010, Cyclone Giri ripped through Arakan state in western Burma leaving at least 101,923 people homeless and the number of affected people at over 260,000. Although some assistance has reached these victims, thousands remain without food, shelter and health care. The risk of water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases is expected to rise without
clean water and a lack of shelter and mosquito nets.
The Giri Relief Committee
The Giri Relief Committee consists of members based in Arakan state and along the border committed to providing timely and targeted assistance to survivors of Cyclone Giri. Our members in Arakan state can act swiftly to buy supplies locally and distribute them quickly to those in need […]
• • •Regardless of the outcome in Burma’s first elections for twenty years, the incoming government will inherit a legacy of widespread and chronic poverty throughout the country. Government statistics disguise the extent of suffering, but aid agencies report the vulnerabilities in eastern Burma have been exacerbated by protracted armed conflict and restrictions on humanitarian access […]
• • •The Burma Army continues to launch deliberate military attacks that target civilians and undermine humanitarian conditions in upland areas of Karen State, according to the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG), which today released the report Self-protection under strain: Targeting of civilians and local responses in northern Karen State. Drawing on over 212 interviews and 85 field documents submitted by KHRG field researchers since January 2009, the report makes clear that civilians contending with attacks need increased humanitarian support. This support must be designed to strengthen local communities existing capacities for protection of human rights […]
• • •The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) and the United Nations are trying to put a brave face on their joint efforts over the past two years to coax the Burmese government into accepting international aid and allowing unfettered access to areas hit by natural disasters.
Many analysts believe, however, that there is no long-term commitment on the part of the Burmese leaders to change their inward looking mentality and obsessive fear of foreigners […]
• •The serial underperformer of the Asia-Pacific, Burma’s economy is unbalanced, volatile, and largely without the institutions and qualities necessary to achieve sustainable economic growth and development. Using new and hitherto largely unobtainable data, this paper explores the fundamentals of Burma’s economy, examining concerns over economic growth, public finances, monetary and financial policies, international trade and investment, privatisation actions, and post-Cyclone Nargis aid. The paper concludes pessimistically as to the likelihood of meaningful change in Burma in the foreseeable future […]
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