အပစ္အခတ္ရပ္စဲေရးလုပ္ငန္းစဥ္ လုပ္ေဆာင္ေနသည့္ တၿပိဳင္နက္တည္းတြင္ပင္ အပစ္အခတ္ရပ္စဲေရး ေတြ႔ဆံုစကားေျပာေနသည့္ ကခ်င္လြတ္ေျမာက္ေရးတပ္မေတာ္ (KIA)၊ တအာင္း (ပေလာင္) အမ်ဳိးသားလြတ္ေျမာက္ေရးတပ္မေတာ္ (TNLA)၊ ျမန္မာအမ်ဳိးသား ဒီမုိကေရစီမဟာမိတ္တပ္မေတာ္ (MNDAA)၊ ရွမ္းျပည္တပ္မေတာ္ေတာင္ပိုင္း (RCSS/SSA) စသည့္ တုိင္းရင္းသားလက္နက္ကိုင္ေတာ္လွန္ ေရး အဖြဲ႔မ်ားအား အစိုးရမွ တိုက္ေလယာဥ္မ်ား သံုးကာ အျပင္းအထန္ ဆက္လက္ထိုးစစ္ဆင္မႈမ်ားရွိခဲ့ၿပီး လက္ရွိတြင္လည္း ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ႏွင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္တြင္ တိုက္ပြဲမ်ား ဆက္လက္ျဖစ္ပြားလွ်က္ရွိသည္ […]
• • •As talks over the signing of a nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) continue, with another meeting planned for later this month, the Burma Army continues to attack various ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) in Kachin, Palaung, Shan and Karen areas, casting doubt on the dominant narrative of optimism that surrounds the NCA. Meanwhile, as has always been the case, it is civilians and local communities who are bearing the brunt of the war, with their protection glaringly absent in the ceasefire discourse […]
On 27 July, the U.S. Department of State released the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report for the year 2015. The report places countries around the world in one of four categories based on their commitment to enacting legislation and criminal penalties in regards to human trafficking, empowering law enforcement with the skills necessary to identify trafficking networks, and efforts to create protection services for trafficking victims. This year Burma was again given a “Tier 2” rating – which it has maintained since 2011 – implying that, “The Government of Burma does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so […]”
MYITKYINA, Kachin State — Being forced to flee their burned out homes after fighting flared in Kachin State in June 2011 put incredible strain on the families of Lashi Lu and her fellow villager Hkawn Nan, who along with many of their neighbors took shelter in a Myitkyina camp for internally displaces persons (IDPs). But things got far worse for both women a year later, when soldiers from Infantry Battalion 37 arrested their husbands while they were working as cattle hands […]
• • •On Saturday, 11 July the Burma Army and Burma Air Force launched an offensive near Mali Yang Village in northern Kachin State […]
• • •More than 1,000 displaced civilians from five villages in northern Burma have been trapped for over a week without food and other assistance amid clashes between ethnic rebels and government troops in Kachin State, according to a religious group that provides aid for the displaced […]
• • •The renewed violence in the Kokang region of the northern Shan state in February 2015 has had serious repercussions for efforts to solve ethnic conflict in Burma/Myanmar and end the decades-old civil war. The fighting started when troops led by the veteran Kokang leader Pheung Kya-shin (Peng Jiasheng) resurfaced in the Kokang region and attacked government and army positions after an interval of nearly six years […]
• • •The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for children and armed conflict, Leila Zerrougui, concluded a five-day visit to Myanmar today. Her first visit to the country, at the invitation of the Government, aimed to assess the impact of the conflict on children in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1612, focusing in particular on the implementation of the Joint Action Plan (JAP) signed in 2012 by the Government and the Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (CTFMR) to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children by the armed forces of Myanmar (Tatmadaw). The SRSG visited Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon, Mandalay and Myitkyina (Kachin state) […]
• • •London, 2 July 2015 – The Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) should immediately end the recruitment and use of children under the age of 18 years and release all those recruited under-18 within their ranks, Child Soldiers International said in new research released today […]
• • •On 9 June 2015, the latest summit of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) concluded in Law Khee Lar, Karen State. On the very same day four years ago, Burma Army broke its 17-year-old ceasefire agreement with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and launched a relentless offensive in Kachin and northern Shan State. As EAOs, including the KIA, were reaffirming their unity, organizations around the world displayed solidarity with those suffering from this four year war, calling for conflict to end, and humanitarian aid to be delivered to over 120,000 displaced by this bloody and ruthless war […]