1. This submission focuses on Burma’s compliance with international human rights obligations in relation to Burma’s refugees and displaced persons safe, dignified and voluntary return. It draws on interviews conducted with a mixture of semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups with refugees from Mae La, Umpiem Mai, Ban Nai Soi, and Mae Ra Ma Luang refugee camps including women, youth and religious minority groups, Mon, Karenni, and Karen civil society groups, ethnic armed groups (EAGs), refugee committees, and international non-governmental organizations […]
• • •This News Bulletin describes three separate incidents of fighting that occurred on September 30th 2015, between Tatmadaw and Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) soldiers in Day Wah and Kyaw Pah village tracts, Bu Tho Township, Hpapun District. This includes arbitrary arrest and detention, violent abuse of a villager, restrictions on the freedom of movement, and displacement of villagers […]
• • •This News Bulletin describes forced labour, violent abuse, threats, arbitrary taxation and demands, and fighting committed by Second Lieutenant Tha Beh of Border Guard Force (BGF) Battalion #1014 between 2012 and 2015. Second Lieutenant Tha Beh has committed numerous human rights violations in the regions under his influence, such as A—, B—, and C— areas, in Pa Zwun Myaung village tract, Bu Tho Township, Hpapun District. On January 13th 2014, Second Lieutenant Tha Beh violently abused a villager from G— village, Bu Tho Township for logging without paying him a tax, resulting in the villager’s arm being broken. Second Lieutenant Tha Beh also fined the villager 300,000 kyat (US $257.07) after the abuse […]
• • •This News Bulletin describes the displacement of villagers in Kawkareik Township, Dooplaya District as a result of fighting that took place during July 2015 between Tatmadaw and Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) soldiers over control of a recently completed section of the Asian Highway […]
• • •On July 8th 2015, a female villager named Naw D—, from G— village, reported to KHRG that on the evening of July 6th 2015, Tatmadaw soldiers began firing small machine guns and grenade launchers at the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA)[2]camp in Waw Poo Bridge area, Meh Th’Waw village. Villagers who live in the villages near the location where the fighting took place have fled from their villages for their own safety […]
• • •On 15 July 2015, Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) held a briefing of their latest report on land confiscation, “‘With Only our Voices, What Can We Do?’: Land Confiscation and Local Response in Southeast Myanmar,” a follow up to the 2013 report “Losing Ground.” The report provides updated information surrounding the state of land confiscation, while also documenting the emergence of new trends in the fragile post-ceasefire environment of southeastern Burma. As a means of empowering voices on the ground, KHRG’s research team has offered detailed insights into the experiences of local villagers in their ongoing struggle against the Burma Government, the Burma Army, and both foreign and local investors who have threatened their ability to live peacefully on the land they rightfully possess […]
ORCHID HOTEL, YANGON – Three years after the 2012 preliminary ceasefire negotiations between the Myanmar government and the Karen National Union (KNU), reported instances of land confiscation continue to increase in southeast Myanmar […]
• • •ORCHID HOTEL, YANGON – Three years after the 2012 preliminary ceasefire negotiations between the Myanmar government and the Karen National Union (KNU), reported instances of land confiscation continue to increase in southeast Myanmar. In the 2015 report, ‘With only our voices, what can we do?’, KHRG highlights four main land use types which lead to land confiscation, including infrastructure projects, natural resource extraction, commercial agriculture projects, and military activities. Based on testimony from local villagers, the Myanmar government; domestic corporate actors; and Tatmadaw and Karen ethnic armed groups (EAGs) are all identified as being complicit in the confiscation of land from local communities in southeast Myanmar. However, local villagers report using a variety of strategies to prevent and mitigate the impacts of land confiscation, such as reaching out to civil society organisations (CSOs) and the media, negotiating with actors involved in projects, and lobbying both the Myanmar government and Karen EAGs […]
This News Bulletin describes a recent attack that occurred in Lu Thaw Township, Hpapun District in February 2015 by Tatmadaw soldiers against six home guards […]
• • •On February 17th 2015, Burma/Myanmar Tatmadaw troops indiscriminately fired artillery shells towards a location where villagers were clearing vegetation for hill field farming in Saw Muh Plaw village tract, Lu Thaw Township […]
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