မႏၱေလးတိုင္းေဒသႀကီး ပုလိပ္ၿမိဳ႕ရွိ ပန္ဒါ ခ်ည္မွ်င္အထည္နဲ႔ အေခ်ာကိုင္စက္ရံုမွာ အလုပ္ရွင္က အလုပ္သမားေတြ ကို အလုပ္ထုတ္ေနတာေတြ ဆက္မလုပ္ဖို႔ ဝန္ထမ္း ၆၀၀ ေက်ာ္ေလာက္ ဒီေန႔ ပုလိပ္ၿမိဳ႕မွာ လွည့္လည္ဆႏၵျပ ခဲ့ၾကပါတယ္ […]
• • •ရန္ကုန္တုိင္းေဒသႀကီး လႈိင္သာယာစက္မႈဇုန္ ၅ မွာရွိတဲ့ Master Wang Feng Myanmar 1 ဇာထုိးပန္းထုိး စက္႐ုံက အလုပ္သမား ၁၈ဝဝ ေလာက္ဟာ လုပ္ခလစာအျပည့္အဝ ရရွိေရးအတြက္ စက္႐ုံထဲမွာ ဆႏၵျပေနၾကပါတယ္ […]
• • •ရန္ကုန္တိုင္းေဒသႀကီး လိႈင္သာယာစက္မႈဇုန္ ၄ မွာရွိတဲ့ ထိပ္တန္းျမန္မာအထည္ခ်ဳပ္စက္ရံုက အလုပ္သမား ၂ဝဝ ေက်ာ္ဟာ ၿပီးခဲ့တဲ့ႏွစ္ ႏိုဝင္ဘာလအတြက္ လုပ္ခလစာ အျပည့္မရရွိတာေၾကာင့္ ဒီကေန႔ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိဳ႕ တာေမြၿမိဳ႕နယ္က ဗိုလ္စိန္မွန္ကြင္းကေန တာေမြၿမိဳ႕နယ္ က်ိဳကၠဆံလူထုဟစ္တိုင္အထိ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ဆႏၵျပၾကပါတယ္ […]
• • •During the cold, dark and long winter, Swedes long for sunbathing and relaxation. Thailand is one of the most popular winter destinations for Swedish tourists, with a 26 percent increase in bookings for the 2015/2016 season. While the tourists enjoy all that Thailand tourism has to offer, such as the beautiful beaches, well-made beds and expansive pool areas, there is a flip-side to tourism paradise.
In Myanmar, the garment industry is booming thanks to an upsurge in investment by international brands, but garment workers are facing tough conditions. According to new research from Oxfam and labour rights groups in Myanmar, garment workers are working up to 11 hours a day, six days a week, but remain trapped in poverty […]