The ultranationalist Buddhist organization, the Ma Ba Tha also known as the Association of the Protection of Race and Religion, has received considerable pressure during the past two weeks […]
The ugly head of religious extremism has reared again as a number of incidents involving nationalistic and extremist figures spreading hateful and destructive messages have presented a huge challenge to the National League for Democracy (NLD)-led Government just one month into its term in office […]
(Yangon, 6 November 2015) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) welcomes the first popular vote due to take place in two days’ time in Myanmar since its transition to a democratic system. “While recognising the importance of the general elections as a path to open democracy, FORUM-ASIA notes with concern the reluctance of the Government to address human rights concerns, including restrictions of political rights that could impact the credibility of the elections,” says Evelyn Balais-Serrano, the Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA […]
• • •As the Lower House of Parliament convenes after the dramatic purge of speaker Shwe Mann, it has wasted no time passing two laws that form the package of discriminatory protection of race and religion bills. The first two have already been passed by Parliament earlier this year, and the remaining two, the ‘Religious Conversion Bill’ and the ‘Monogamy Bill’ were approved last week. Now the final passage is just awaiting the decision from President Thein Sein […]
• • •(New York, May 16, 2015) – Burma’s parliament should vote down a draft population law that authorities could use to repress religious and ethnic minorities, Human Rights Watch said today. Burma’s donors and other concerned governments should publicly call on the government to withdraw the bill […]
• • •Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has expressed profound concern that a new law restricting religious conversions, passed earlier this week by the upper house of Burma’s parliament, would be a major setback for religious freedom and human rights in the country. […]
• • •MANDALAY — Thousands of Buddhist monks, nuns and laypeople marched through downtown Mandalay on Thursday afternoon to demand that the government take action on a set of highly controversial and currently stagnant interfaith bills.
Organized by the upper Burma chapter of the Association for the Protection of Race and Religion, locally referred to as the Ma Ba Tha, the rally was joined by sympathizers from several nearby townships including Sagaing, Myingyun and Mandalay’s immediate surrounds […]
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