As Burma emerges from decades of authoritarian rule and international isolation, the issue of human rights and human rights abuses has been of large concern to many actors involved. Holding those accountable for crimes committed in the past has been at the forefront for many observers […]
Even after the November 2015 landslide electoral victory of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy the armed forces of Myanmar (Burma) continue to be the country’s most powerful political institution […]
• • •In Karenni State, the people and their ancestors have traditionally depended on agricultural land for their livelihood […]
Throughout decades of ethnic armed conflict, the governance environment in many of Myanmar’s non- Burman areas has become deeply fractured, as ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) have established parallel governance systems, including healthcare departments. This report gives an overview of the parallel Ministry of Health (MoH) and EAO-linked health systems that exist in southeast Myanmar, and looks at how coordination and cooperation have increased since ceasefires were signed in 2011 and 2012 […]
This report is based on direct testimony provided through interviews with 40 villagers between February 16 and March 28, 2015 […]
The past five years have been a time of liberalization and change in Burma. The abolition of prior censorship and a loosening of licensing requirements has led to a vibrant press, and the shift from formal military rule has emboldened civil society […]
(Rangoon) – Burma’s new government should use its parliamentary majority to repeal or amend the many military and colonial-era laws used to criminalize peaceful speech and assembly, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today […]
• • •ျမစ္ၾကီးနားျမိဳ႕၊ ကၽြန္းပင္သာရပ္ကြက္၊ အိမ္အမွတ္(၁/၁၀၇)တြင္ေနထိုင္ေသာ (ဘ)ဦးေဂ၀ါႏွင့္ (မိ)ေဒၚလေထာ္နန္အိန္ တို႔၏သား ကြန္ပ်ဴတာတကၠသိုလ္ ပထမႏွစ္ေက်ာင္းသားတစ္ဦးျဖစ္သူ ေမာင္ဂြမ္ဆိုင္းေအာင္ အသက္(၁၉)ႏွစ္အား၊ ၂၀၁၆ ခုႏွစ္ ဇြန္လ ၂၀ ရက္ေန႔ ည ၉ နာရီခြဲအခ်ိန္တြင္၊ ေျမာက္ပိုင္းတုိင္းစစ္ဌာနခ်ဳပ္(မပခ) လက္ေအာက္ခံ ေထာက္ပို႔ တပ္ (၇၂၇) မွ တပ္သားေမာင္ေမာင္ (ကိုယ္ပိုင္အမွတ္ တ/၅၁၁၅၆၈) ဗလမင္းထင္တံတားလံုျခံဳေရးအေစာင့္ တပ္သားမွ ေသနတ္ျဖင့္ ပစ္ခတ္သတ္ျဖတ္ေသာ ျဖစ္ရပ္ဆိုးျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့သည္ […]
• • •Burma Campaign UK today called for the urgent reform of Burma’s Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee and to review the cases of Maran Gam and Zau La […]
• • •Since 1962, between 7,000 and 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned in Burma. Whilst a multitude of anecdotal records exist, there is very little comprehensive data concerning the torture and mistreatment experienced by political prisoners within Burma’s interrogation centers and jails […]