Myanmar National Human Rights Commission would like to commend the Union Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for its decision to be a signatory to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) […]
• • •On 8 July 2015, The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission received complaints regarding the student demonstrators and their supporters who have been detained in Thayarwaddy Prison and undergoing court trials for demonstrations in Letpadan Township […]
• • •A team from the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission comprising of commission members U Zaw Win, U Nyunt Swe and Daw Mya Mya accompanied by Dr.Zay Yar Soe, assistant director and Daw Shwe Yee San from the commission office visited the prisons and detention centers of Mandalay, Naung Cho, Thi Paw and Lashio Township on 8th June 2015 […]
• • •A team from the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission comprising of members U Zaw Win, Dr.Daw Than Nwe and Assistant Director Dr. Zay Yar Soe from the Commission’s Office visited the Maing-Sat prison in Shan State on the 7 of May 2015. During the visit, the team inspected the sleeping quarters and the records of the prison. Interviews were also conducted with prisoners and detainees on an individual basis. The team found out that the prison was holding detainees and prisoners in excess of the capacity of the prison. They also observed that the prison’s dispensary has no bed for the inpatients and vacancies for the post of Assistant Doctor and medical personnel vacancies have yet to be filled in accordance with the organizational set up. Although the prison was a “C” category type prison, prisoners who have been sentenced to prison terms for more than 10 years are detained in this prison. The cells designated for long-term prisoners have no covers on the latrines. Two prisoners who have been imprisoned have been found to come from a very distant destination. It was also observed by the team that the sleeping quarters of the detainees are prone to lashings from the rain during the rainy season. For long-term female prisoners, there are 2 cells reserved for them but both cells have no latrines, washing facilities and corridors. It was observed by the team that there are two under trial detainees who have been under detention for more than 6 months. Five prisoners/detainees have also been found to be above the age of seventy years. There are no facilities for meditation and no vocational trainings have been given. Turning their attention to the kitchen, the team noticed that rice has been cooked with tin drums which are not very hygienic […]
• • •1. With regard to the case involving the death of Ko Aung Naing (a) Ko Aung Kyaw Naing (a) Ko Par Gyi, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission under instructions from the President’s Office formed a team to investigate into the matter. A special report on the findings of the team was submitted to the President’s Office and a statement for information to the public was released on 2 December 2014. The statement included a recommendation that the case should be heard in a civil court for transparency […]
• • •Burma Campaign UK today called for the immediate and unconditional release of two union leaders, Naing Htay Lwin and Myo Min Min. They were arrested in February 2015 for protesting without the Burmese government’s permission […]
• • •The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) and UN Women, Myanmar organized a Workshop on UN Security Council Resolution, 1325 ( UNSCR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security, and related Resolutions in Nay Pyi Taw on 27-28 April 2015. The meeting brought together 41 participants – parliamentarians, senior government officials from ministries addressing women, peace and security issues, commissioners and staff of MNHRC and academics […]
• • • ျပည္ေထာင္စုသမၼတ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေတာ္၊ ျပည္ေထာင္စု အစုိးရအဖဲြ႔သည္ ဖဲြ႔စည္းပုံအေျခခံဥပေဒပါ ႏိုင္ငံသားမ်ား၏ မူလအခြင့္အေရးမ်ားကို ျမွင့္တင္ေရးႏွင့္ ကာကြယ္ေစာင့္ေရွာက္ေရးတုိ႔အား ေဆာင္ရြက္ႏုိင္ရန္အလုိ႔ငွာ ၂၀၁၁ခုႏွစ္၊ စက္တင္ဘာလ (၅) ရက္ေန႔တြင္ အမိန္႔ေၾကာ္ျငာစာ အမွတ္ ( ၃၄/၂၀၁၁) ျဖင့္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ အမ်ိဳးသား လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး ေကာ္မရွင္ကုိ အဖြဲ႔၀င္ ( ၁၅) ဦးျဖင့္ ဖဲြ႔စည္းျပီး တာ၀န္ႏွင့္လုပ္ပုိင္ခြင့္မ်ား သတ္မွတ္ထုတ္ျပန္ခဲ့ပါသည္ […]
1. The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission would like to laud and honor the historic achievement that was accomplished by the signing of the agreed text on a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement between the Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC) and the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) on 31 March 2015 in Yangon […]
• • •Thank you, Mr. President. FORUM-ASIA, in solidarity with Equality Myanmar and Burma Partnership welcomes the Special Rapporteur’s report […]
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