The National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB) calls for the negotiation of a Nationwide Ceasefire for the benefit of all the peoples of Burma. The ethnic nationalities and the government have all called for a ceasefire. It is time to act to achieve the goal of peace […]
• • •For more than six decades, successive juntas have waged military and political war in many manners within Burma. In their latest military attacks, fighter jets from Russia and helicopters from India bought with funds received from offshore oil and gas ventures are being used against ethnic nationalities […]
• • •The National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB)’s Political Defiance Committee (PDC) is compiling and commentating on monthly political news. These reports include information on the relationship between NLD and the military junta, the activities of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and domestic opposition forces, the relationship between ethnic groups and the SPDC, the junta’s domestic activities, the socio-economic situation in Burma and the international community’s actions and responses […]
• • •The Burma Office New Zealand of the National Council of the Union of Burma, and Burma Campaign UK, have joined forces to call on the government of New Zealand to support a UN Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma […]
• • •Burmese pro-democracy activists have called on Indonesian human rights organizations and the House of Representatives to denounce this year’s elections in the military-run state […]
• •Ethnic paramilitary groups and the wider population may rebel after the planned 2010 election in
Myanmar, spiralling the junta-led country further into chaos, ethnic leaders and civil groups said […]
Ethnic paramilitary groups and the wider population may rebel after the planned 2010 election in Myanmar, spiralling the junta-led country further into chaos, ethnic leaders and civil groups said Wednesday […]
• •The National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB)’s Political Defiance Committee (PDC) is compiling and commentating on monthly political news. These reports include information on the relationship between NLD and the military junta, the activities of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and domestic opposition forces, the relationship between ethnic groups and the SPDC, the junta’s domestic activities, the socio-economic situation in Burma and the international community’s actions and responses […]
• • •Burma’s largest political party, National League for Democracy (NLD) this afternoon decided not to register with the Election Commission for its continued existence in view of the unjust and unfair election laws recently promulgated by the military junta, chief spokesman of the NLD U Nyan Win told newsmen […]
• • •ျပည္ေထာင္စုျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ အမ်ိဳးသားေကာင္စီမွ နအဖ စစ္အုပ္စု၏ ႏိုင္ငံေရးပါတီမ်ား မွတ္ပံုတင္ျခင္း ဥေပေဒ တရပ္ထုပ္ျပန္လုိက္ျခင္းႏွင့္ စပ္လ်ဥ္း၍ ၎တို႔၏ သေဘာထား ထုပ္ျပန္လုိက္ပါသည္။ ထုိထုပ္ျပန္ခ်က္တြင္ ၂၀၁၀ ေရြးေကာက္ပဲြ ကိုဆန္႔က်င္သပိတ္ေမွာက္သြားရန္ ခိုင္မာသည့္ ဆုံးျဖတ္ခ်က္ ခ်မွတ္ထားျပီျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း၊ မတ္လ(၈) ရက္ေန႔တြင္ထုပ္ျပန္ခဲ့သည့္ ႏိုင္ငံေရးပါတီမ်ား မွတ္ပုံတင္ျခင္း ဥပေဒကိုေလ့လာသုံးသပ္ရာတြင္လည္း စစ္အာဏာရွင္စနစ္ သက္ဆိုးရွည္ေရး၊ တရားဝင္ျဖစ္ေရးကိုသာ အဓိက ရည္ရြယ္ထားသည့္ နအဖ၏ဥပေဒ ျဖစ္ေနျခင္း စသည့္ ဒီမိုကေရစီႏွင့္မညီေသာ အခ်က္မ်ားကို သုံးသပ္ေတြ႔ရွိရသျဖင့္ လုံးဝလက္ခံႏိုင္ ၿခင္းမရွိသျဖင့္ နည္းမ်ိဳးစုံျဖင့္ ဆန္႔က်င္ တိုက္ဖ်က္သြားမည္ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း အပါအဝင္ စစ္မွန္သည့္ ဖက္ဒရယ္ျပည္ေထာင္စုသစ္ၾကီးေပၚေပါက္ လာသည္အထိ အမ်ိဳးသာေကာင္စီသည္ တိုင္းရင္းသားျပည္သူတရပ္လုုံးႏွင့္ လက္တြဲတုိက္ပဲြဝင္သြားမည္ ၿဖစ္ေၾကာင္း စသည့္ ထုပ္ျပန္ေၾကျငာ ခ်က္မ်ားပါရွိပါသည္။ […]
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