Burma’s dictatorship has not met key EU demands for reform, and so sanctions must remain in place, according to the findings of a new policy briefing paper published by Burma Campaign UK […]
• • •Burma Campaign UK today called on members of the European Union to maintain targeted sanctions on Burma, following the release of a policy statement on sanctions by the National League for Democracy (NLD).
The European Union has a ‘Common Decision’ on Burma foreign policy, which has to be renewed every April. Some European countries, including Italy and Germany, are believed to favour relaxing some sanctions […]
• • •In recent months sanctions have repeatedly featured in discussions over the kind of policies that would best encourage positive change in Burma. Are current administrative policies and practices conducive to a healthy economy, with or without sanctions? Are allegations that sanctions have exacerbated the hardships of the people of Burma justified or are such accusations based on political motives? Are sanctions in their present form likely to achieve the desired objectives? Are there credible signs of progress in the democratization process? The issue of sanctions needs to be examined within the broad context of political desiderata and economic realities […]
• • •The National League for Democracy (NLD), led by the Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, issued a statement today reviewing the economic sanctions on Burma. The statement outlines a rationale for maintaining the sanctions and notes that “the hardships of the vast majority of the people of Burma are not related to sanctions, but to misguided government policies” […]
• • •The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) is deeply concerned about the ban on family visits for sick political prisoner Daw Htet Htet Oo Wai. She has been placed in solitary confinement and her family have not been allowed to visit her for three months. Daw Htet Htet Oo Wai, a member of the National League for Democracy Party, is currently serving a 5 year sentence in […]
• • •The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners has released a report titled, “Release Over 2200 Political Prisoners NOW!” This report is an effort of 12 groups working inside Burma to promote democracy, human rights and national reconciliation. The 12 groups took a great risk and operated in secret to contribute to the release of this report due to the repressive and highly dangerous environment facing human rights defenders and pro-democracy activists in Burma […]
• • •The Burmese Supreme Court today dismissed an appeal by Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy, against its dissolution in May 2010 under draconian election laws. Reacting to the decision, the Foreign Secretary said: “This is deeply disappointing, if not unexpected, news. Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy […]
• • •On 16 January, ASEAN foreign ministers at a summit in Lombok, Indonesia, endorsed a reversal of Western sanctions against Burma’s military regime. This disappointing move demonstrates ASEAN’s continued failure to take a strong leadership role in promoting democracy and good governance, and advancing human rights in the region.
ASEAN foreign ministers claimed the November 2010 elections and release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest were “sure signs that the country is heading toward a more democratic system” […]
• • •The Burma Rivers Network (BRN) welcomes the NLD’s recent statements that dams are being constructed in Burma without any consideration for the environment or for local residents, and that the Myitsone dam, the first on the Irrawaddy, will have negative impacts on the entire country […]
• • •An analysis of the economic situation in Burma shows clearly that the situation is dire. Due to the unequal distribution of state revenue, the majority of the people in Burma are facing high commodity prices, high unemployment rates and a lack of employment opportunities.
The main cause of the increased commodity prices is the government’s printing of large amounts of new money to cover the deficit in government expenses […]
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