The Students and Youth Congress of Burma (SYCB) and Nationalities Youth Forum (NY-Forum) have released a new report entitled “Excluded: Burma’s Ethnic Nationalities on the Margins of Democracy and Development.” The report documents evidence that ethnic nationalities directly affected by development projects in Burma are systematically denied their right to free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC), and are forced to bear the brunt of these projects […]
• • •This report presents documented evidence that ethnic nationalities directly affected by development projects in Burma are systematically denied their right to free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC). While development related abuse has been well documented, no report has shed light on the staggering scale of the widespread denial of participation rights in Burma […]
The economic sanctions of the US on Burma were originally adopted because of the disregard for democratic principles and grave human right violations committed by the Burmese government. These violations continue but the pressure for the Burmese government to stop them is now removed […]
• •We note that in July 2011 Pado Mahn Nyein Maung, a member of the Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee, was deported from China to Burma and is currently under trial facing charges under the Unlawful […]
• • •Today, October 18, 2011, marks the 8th World Youth Day for Democracy, a day when students and youth around the world stand in solidarity with young people worldwide for taking part in pro-democracy activities. On this day, three student and […]
ယေန႕သည္ အဌမ အၾကိမ္ေျမာက္ ကမာၻ႕ဒီမိုကေရစီ လူငယ္မ်ားေန႕ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ထိုေန႕တြင္ တကမာၻလံုးမွ လူငယ္ေက်ာင္းသားမ်ားသည္ ဒီမိုကေရစီေရးအတြက္ လႈပ္ရွားရင္း ေဘးဒုကၡမ်ဳိးစံု ၾကံေတြ႕ေနရေသာ […]
• • •Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the 1988 people’s uprising in Burma in which individuals from all walks of life throughout the country stood up and dared to speak out against the ruthless military regime. On this day in 1988, as many as 3,000 lives were lost when the regime responded
ယေန႔သည္ ျမန္မာတျပည္လံုးရွိ ျပည္သူမ်ားမွ လွည္းေနေလွေအာင္း ျမင္းေဇာင္းမက်န္ ရက္စက္ယုတ္ မာေသာ စစ္အုပ္စုအား ရဲရဲရင့္ရင့္ျပတ္ျပတ္သားသား ရင္ဆိုင္၍၎တို႔၏ လြတ္ေျမာက္ေရးအတြက္ ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းစြာ စတင္ဆႏၵထုတ္ေဖာ္ျပခဲ့သည့္ ၈ ေလးလံုးလူထုအေရးေတာ္ပံု ၂၃ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ေန႔ျဖစ္ သည္။ ထိုအေရးေတာ္ပံုတြင္ စစ္အုပ္စု၏ ရက္စက္စြာ ဖိႏွိပ္ျဖိဳခြဲမႈေၾကာင့္ ဆႏၵျပသူ ၃၀၀၀ ခန္႔က်ဆံုးခဲ့ ၾကရကာ ထိုသူမ်ား၏ျပင္းျပေသာ […]
• • •The Forum for Democracy in Burma, Student and Youth Congress of Burma, Nationalities Youth Forum, Assistance Association of Political Prisoners – Burma, Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma and Burma Partnership would like to invite you to join our commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the nationwide pro-democracy uprising in 1988.
The event will include a panel discussion entitled “23 Years of Resistance: Ongoing Human Rights Abuses and the Urgent Need for a Commission of Inquiry.” Speakers will recall experiences of the 1988 uprising, share details about the current human rights abuses and armed conflict in […]
• • •Release all student and youth political prisoners in Burma
October 18 marks World Youth Day for Democracy, a day when students and youth around the world stand in solidarity with young people imprisoned in Burma for taking part in pro-democracy activities. On this day, four student and youth alliances; are urging the international community to put pressure on the Burmese military regime […]
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