The United States must deny this regime the legitimacy it so craves and await the day when the Burmese people will be permitted to govern their own affairs.’
Click here to listen to Senator McConnell’s speech on the renewal of economic sanctions on Burma[…]
• • •The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for voting to renew the total ban on imports from Burma under the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. The affirmative voice vote came on the heels of a key vote letter AAFA sent to every member of the House urging for swift passage of the measure[…]
• • •Crowley Urges Action on Crimes Against Humanity Following UN Findings
Today, Congressman Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) praised the unanimous passage of H.J. Res. 83, a resolution led by the Congressman that extends sanctions on Burma. Specifically, the measure continues the ban on imports from Burma […]
• • •The U.S. Campaign for Burma, a leading coalition of Burmese activists in exile and American human rights campaigners working to promote freedom, justice and democracy in Burma, today welcomes and supports the unanimous decision of the U.S. House of Representative to extend sanctions against the military junta that rules the Southeast Asian country of Burma with guns, threats and oppression, and conducts crimes against humanity under a system of impunity. The House Joint Resolution 83 (H.J. RES. 83), the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, was introduced by Congressmen Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Peter King (R-NY), cosponsored by 20 additional House Members and approved by a voice vote today[…]
• • •More trade with Burma will not help the people with the current regime, says democracy activist Khin Ohmar. – The only thing that can make the situation better in Burma is that the sanctions become more effective, says Ohmar to Ethical Trade Initiative Norway (ETI-Norway).[…]
• • •Burma activists are urging the Australian Government to listen to the Victorian branch of Australian Labor Party (ALP) who has called for trade and investment sanctions to be imposed on Burma.
On Saturday, Burma’s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s 65th birthday, the Victorian Branch of the Australian Labor Party passed a motion calling on the Australia Government to impose targeted trade and investment sanctions on Burma at their state conference […]
• • •US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs Kurt Campbell arrived in Naypidaw on May 9, 2010 and proceeded to meet with the Junta, the NLD, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, ethnic leaders and other stakeholders.
“The key objective of my trip was to underscore the purposes and principles of our engagement, and to lay out the reasons for our profound disappointment in what we have witnessed to date,” the envoy said. “What we have seen to date leads us to believe that these elections will lack international legitimacy. We urge the regime to take immediate steps to open the process in the time remaining before the elections.” […]
• • •‘A sanctions regime says to the junta and the world…the United States does not view this government as having the support of its citizenry’
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the bill to renew sanctions against the Burmese junta:
“Today I rise to introduce a bill that would renew sanctions against the Burmese junta. As in years past, I am joined in this effort by my good friend, Senator Feinstein. Senators McCain, Durbin, Gregg and Lieberman are original cosponsors of this bipartisan legislation and continue to be leaders on the issue.[…]
• • •The Ten Alliances of Burma’s democracy and ethnic rights movement expressed support for the European Union’s renewal of its Common Position on Burma for another year, which also extended economic sanctions on the military regime […]
• • •The European Karen Network welcomes the council conclusions of the European Union (EU) on Monday 26 April 2010, which called on Burma’s military dictatorship to end violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and to enter into dialogue with opposition and ethnic nationalities […]
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