Burma Campaign UK today welcomed the renewal of European Union (EU) sanctions against Burma for a further year, and a call by the European Union for Burma to “end to violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.” In March the UN Special Rapporteur on Burma called for a UN Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
• • •By Aung Din
Wall Street Journal
The news from Burma, my home country, seems to only go from bad to worse. Last week, Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi was denied yet another appeal and will remain under house arrest. Last month, Burmese-American human-rights activist Kyaw Zaw Lwin, also known as Nyi Nyi Aung, was sentenced to three years in prison on trumped up fraud and forgery charges. […]
The Burma Campaign UK today welcomed a statement by Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis MP that; “The UK will not support any easing of sanctions in the absence of tangible progress on the ground.” On Thursday the European Parliament also called on EU governments not to relax sanctions until there is; ‘tangible progress on democratisation.’ […]
• • •Dr. Turnell argues for economic sanctions against Burma’s military regime by examining some of the commonly-held misconceptions of sanctions. He believes that sanctions imposed upon Burma’s military regime by the […]
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