All women and girls, no matter where they live, have the fundamental right to be free from violence. This Report examined the extent to which women and girls who live in the seven Karen-majority camps along the Thai-Burma border enjoy, and can exercise, this fundamental human right. Specifically, this study examined 289 cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) against women in Mae Ra Ma Luang, Mae La Oon, Mae La, Umpiem Mai, Noh Poe, Ban Don Yang and Htam Hin refugee camps from 2011 to 2013 to determine the factors contributing to official reporting of crimes as well as the justice system’s response to such crimes […]
A new report, based on extensive research in 7 refugee camps on the Thai Burma border, shows that perpetrators of sexual and physical violence against women in the refugee camps are facing a situation of virtual impunity […]
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