To date in 2016, 14 such incidents have already resulted in 12 civilian deaths and 29 injuries. By comparison, in all of 2015, 8 documented incidents led to 4 deaths and 18 injuries […]
• • •On June 25, 2016 about 100 Burmese troops from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 362 arrived at the village of Mong Yang (about 10 kms west of Mong Yaw) from the Namjalarp-Loi Tao area (in the north). From Mong Yang, the troops walked in a line along the road east towards Mong Yaw […]
• • •The Burma Army is currently engaged in an escalating conflict in both northern Shan and Kachin states. The situation has left several dead, including a 22-year-old man killed by a landmine, and others injured, such as a 39-year-old mother wounded by shrapnel and incapacitated. To further highlight the lack of security the Burma Army brings to the entire region, in Myitkyina, where there is not active fighting, Burma Army soldiers gunned down a 21-year-old student at a checkpoint […]
• • •Last week, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burma, Ms. Yanghee Lee, completed a 12-day tour of Burma – the first visit of its kind under the new NLD-led Government […]
Last week in Burma’s commercial capital, Rangoon, the Ta-ang Women’s Organization had to cancel the launch of a report because the authorities deemed its subject matter too sensitive […]
• • •I have just concluded my fourth official visit to the country as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar. I would like to thank the Government of Myanmar for its invitation and for granting me an extended visit of twelve days […]
• • •We welcome the High Commissioner’s report on the human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Burma/Myanmar. Most Rohingya Muslims suffer government persecution, including statelessness and severe restrictions on freedom of movement. Growing ultra-nationalism has spurred discrimination and threats against Rohingya and other Muslims that the authorities have been unwilling to address […]
• • •TWO documentation of human rights violations in Ta’ang areas of northern Shan State from March 2011 to March 2016 provides evidence that the Burma Army is committing war crimes, on a widespread, systematic basis – in particular torture, shelling of civilian targets, and forcing civilians to be porters and human shields […]
The Women’s League of Burma (WLB) is seriously concerned at the Tatmadaw’s recent new offensives and ongoing
impunity for war crimes, which are undermining the government’s new peace initiatives […]