On 17 July, 2016, the State Counselor, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) to discuss a framework for the upcoming 21st Century Panglong Conference. Comprising of nine ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that did not sign the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA), the UNFC promoted inclusivity as central to achieving the goal of a truly federal state […]
To date in 2016, 14 such incidents have already resulted in 12 civilian deaths and 29 injuries. By comparison, in all of 2015, 8 documented incidents led to 4 deaths and 18 injuries […]
• • •TWO documentation of human rights violations in Ta’ang areas of northern Shan State from March 2011 to March 2016 provides evidence that the Burma Army is committing war crimes, on a widespread, systematic basis – in particular torture, shelling of civilian targets, and forcing civilians to be porters and human shields […]
Amid Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s attempts to speed up the convening of the so-called ‘21st Century Panglong Conference,’ armed conflict, displacement and the lack of humanitarian aid to those suffering only underlines the importance of the peace process […]
In early March 2016, the Burmese Tamadaw began sending enforcement including weaponries in the Ta’ang armed organization’s administration area and continues today […]
• • •The decades-long tactic of divide-and-rule used by successive regimes in Burma when dealing with ethnic groups produced dividends in February 2016, as ongoing armed clashes between troops from the ethnic Ta’ang, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and ethnic Shan, Shan State Army – South (SSA-S), in northern Shan State has displaced up to 5,000 civilians in just one week while thousands more have been trapped in Kyaukme Township, waiting to move to a safe location […]