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Posts Tagged ‘United States’ (123 found)

Senate passes Gregg legislation condemning injustices in Burma

Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) to highlight the persistent injustices in Burma passed the U.S. Senate today. The bipartisan resolution (S.Res.480) condemns the continued persecution of Burmese democracy leader Daw Aung Suu Kyi, her supporters, and the citizens of Burma. It also calls on the military regime in Burma to permit a credible and fair election process and the transition to civilian, democratic rule. The following Senators joined Senator Gregg in cosponsoring this legislation: Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), Bob Bennett (R-UT), Sam Brownback (R-KS), and Susan Collins (R-ME).[…]

May 7, 2010  •  By US Senator Judd Gregg  •  Tags: , ,  •  Read more ➤

We Must Deny the Military Regime in Burma the Legitimacy it Craves

‘A sanctions regime says to the junta and the world…the United States does not view this government as having the support of its citizenry’

U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the bill to renew sanctions against the Burmese junta:

“Today I rise to introduce a bill that would renew sanctions against the Burmese junta. As in years past, I am joined in this effort by my good friend, Senator Feinstein. Senators McCain, Durbin, Gregg and Lieberman are original cosponsors of this bipartisan legislation and continue to be leaders on the issue.[…]

May 5, 2010  •  By US Senator Mitch McConnell  •  Tags: , , ,  •  Read more ➤

Current Realities and Future Possibilities in Burma: Options for U.S. Policy

As the Obama administration turns to the thorny issue of engaging Burma’s authoritarian government, a new Asia Society Task Force report offers a detailed strategy that positions the United States to respond effectively and flexibly to the twists and turns that a potential transition in Burma may take over time […]

March 31, 2010  •  By Asia Society  •  Tags: ,  •  Read more ➤