Confiscation of farmland and exploitation of labour do not only amount to being invaded by the military government and its cronies. The farmers whose social and economic life dependent upon the land are subjected to being treated like slaves as well […]
• • •1. At present both the SPDC military regime and the USDP parliament are trying to attract massive amounts of foreign investment to enter Burma. Even now business firms from neighboring and regional countries are taking positions to enter Burma […]
• • •No. 3/2010 (WFSLB)
1. In harmony and solidarity, we, sisters and brothers from different factories of Hlaing Thar Yar, Insein, Shwe Pyi Thar and Mingalar Done of Rangoon Division, have been holding peaceful strikes and sit-ins to get full basic workers’ rights, which is a common and urgent concern for us all.
2. The salary increase for government servants in January 2010 brought a sharp increase in commodity prices. Consequently, Burmese workers who already had to survive on less than livable wages and have long suffered from the critical economic situation of Burma, now face double daily hardships. […]
On February 8th 2010, 3,600 factory workers, mostly women, in the Hlaing Tharyar industrial zone in Rangoon, Burma, protested against the substandard working conditions they are forced to endure in the factories. Workers employed at the Opal 2 and Mya Fashion factories demanded a wage increase of 10US$ a month. The next day, workers at […]
• • •No. 2/2010 (WFSLB) The striking workers in Hlaing-Thar-Yar industrial zone in Rangoon, Burma returned to work on the evening of February 10th with a compromised wage increase after heavy security forces, including riot police trucks, fire-brigade trucks, Intelligence and USDA motorcycles surrounded the area and threatened the striking workers. Workers from the Opel factory were promised a 5 […]
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