ASEAN has missed an opportunity to push for improvements for human rights in Burma, according to Burma activists in Australia. ASEAN leaders attending a meeting in Indonesia agreed to allow Burma to chair the regional bloc in 2014 […]
• • •Australia’s Foreign Minister, MPs, senior government officials, and foreign diplomats were today warned that Burma’s political, economic, and humanitarian crises persisted despite the convening of the Parliament. A video message from Burmese pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and statements from a leading ASEAN […]
• • •AIPMC President and Indonesian Member of Parliament, Ms. Eva Kusuma Sundari is in Canberra today to accept the invitation of Burma Campaign Australia (BCA) together with Australian Parliamentarians for Democracy in Burma (APDB) to participate in a half day seminar on 100 days of Myanmar’s Parliament, May 12, 2011 at Parliament Building, Canberra, Australia […]
• • •Burma Campaign Australia congratulates Australia for saying the elections in Burma are designed to legitimise military rule in Burma.
During recent Senate Estimates in Australia the First Assistant Secretary South-East Asia Division of DFAT* Hugh Borrowman answered questions about Australia’s position on the upcoming elections […]
• • •In an interview on 6 October with SBS radio journalist Kate Stowell, Wunna Han, a spokesperson for the Burmese embassy in Canberra, said voting in the upcoming election would not be anonymous.
The interview discussed how Burmese residents living in Australia could vote in the upcoming election in Burma.
Kate Stowell asked Wunna Han: “Are those votes’ anonymous votes?”
He replied: “No, not anonymous” […]
• • •Burma activist urged the Australian Government to listen to calls from the NSW State Parliament and consider imposing targeted trade and investment on Burma’s oil and gas industry […]
• • •Burma activists are urging the Australian Government to listen to the Victorian branch of Australian Labor Party (ALP) who has called for trade and investment sanctions to be imposed on Burma.
On Saturday, Burma’s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s 65th birthday, the Victorian Branch of the Australian Labor Party passed a motion calling on the Australia Government to impose targeted trade and investment sanctions on Burma at their state conference […]
• • •In a major victory for Burma campaigners Australia is the first country to publicly announce its support for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Burma.
In a statement at the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week Australia’s representative to the council, Angela Robinson, said: “Australia would support investigating possible options for a United Nations commission of inquiry”. […]
Burma Campaign Australia condemns the Australian Government’s decision to participate in a regional military exercise that includes Burma’s navy and questions if Australia is in breach of its arms embargo. The Australian Navy is currently participating in a military exercise with 13 other countries in Indian waters. Burma navy, an integral part of the country’s military, is also […]
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