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Putting Women Migrant Workers into ASEAN

By MAP Foundation  •  October 1, 2010

Putting Women Migrant Workers into ASEAN: Are they not already in ASEAN working in the export industries? Are they not already supporting the middle and upper classes of ASEAN by providing cleaning and child care services? Are they not already working in significant numbers in agriculture, horticulture, entertainment, food processing, sales and a host of other important work? Indeed, the labour of women migrant workers is already in ASEAN, but the rights, the dignity, and the respect for women migrant workers is not yet there. However, with several important human rights processes evolving at this time, it is valuable for migrant women to be aware of the current instruments and mechanisms that protect their rights and understand how to engage in these international and regional processes.

This briefing paper will introduce pertinent instruments and mechanisms for migrant women workers which will then be presented and discussed further during the workshop. The paper also seeks to measure the situation of migrants in Thailand against the obligations of the receiving states already delineated in the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers (Para 5-10) and poses questions regarding the particular impact on migrant women. The questions seek to facilitate a gender-based analysis and the development of recommendations on how to ensure that the rights, respect and dignity of migrant women are properly put into ASEAN.

Download the briefer in English, Burmese, Shan, or Thai.

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